Step 14: Add a role

We will have two kinds of users: instructors and studetns.

Let's create a UserRole.js file in the src/model folder:

export const UserRole = {
  Student: "STUDENT",
  Instructor: "INSTRUCTOR",

Next, add a role attribute to User schema:

  role: {
    type: String,
    enum: Object.values(UserRole),
    required: true,
    default: UserRole.Student,

Notice the default attribute; if a role was not specified, the user will be give the student role by default.

Update Tests

We should update the tests in tests/mode/User.test.js.

  • Everywhere we create a user, we can provide a role (or leave it to fall back to default role)

    const role = Math.random() > 0.5 ? UserRole.Student : UserRole.Instructor;
    const user = await User.create({ name, email, password, role });
  • Everywhere we check user attributes, we must check for the role attribute.

  • When creating a user, we must have a test where we provide the role and another where it falls back to default

    it("test create user with default role", async () => {
      const name =;
      const email =;
      const password = faker.internet.password();
      const user = await User.create({ name, email, password });
  • We need to add tests for invalid or missing role!

    describe("test role is required", () => {
      it("test role is null", async () => { /* not shown */ });
      it("test role is undefined", async () => { /* not shown */ });
      it("test role is empty", async () => { /* not shown */ });
      it("test role is invalid", async () => {
        try {
          const name =;
          const email =;
          const password = faker.internet.password();
          const role = faker.random.word();
          await User.create({ name, email, password, role });
        } catch (err) {

Refer to the commit history to see the changes made at this step.