Step 7

We must implement the validations in JavaScript now that we prevent the form behavior. Notice how the validation is already implemented in the starter code.

Validating card number

const cnumber = document.getElementById("cnumber").value;
if (!cnumber) {
  message.innerText = "You must enter Card Number";
  return false;

if (!isCardNumberMatchExpectedPattern(cnumber)) {
  message.innerText = "Card number must be 13 to 16 digits!";
  return false;

Validating expiration date

const exp = document.getElementById("expiration").value;
if (!exp) {
  message.innerText = "You must enter Expiration date";
  return false;

if (isCardExpired(exp)) {
  message.innerText = "Your card is expired!";
  return false;

Validating CVV

const cvv = document.getElementById("cvv").value;
if (!exp) {
  message.innerText =
    "You must enter the CVV Number (Card Verification Value)";
  return false;

if (!isCvvMatchExpectedPattern(cvv)) {
  message.innerText = "CVV must be 3 or 4 digits!";
  return false;

Please study the helper methods. Also, experiment with the app to see how these all work together!