Step 1: Create React App

I created a folder, quicknotes, and scaffolded a React project with Vite.

cd quicknotes
yarn create vite . --template react

Delete everything in the src folder except for App.jsx and main.jsx. Moreover, update these files with the following content:

  • App.jsx

    function App() {
      return <>Hello, React!</>;
    export default App;
  • main.jsx

    import React from "react";
    import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
    import App from "./App";
    ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root")).render(<App />);

Install the dependencies and run the app in development.

yarn dev


Building a user interface (UI) typically starts by creating a Mockup or a Wireframe that represents the skeletal framework of the UI and how the user interacts with it.

Here is a very simple wireframe that encapsulates what we intend on building:

Based on the wireframe, a user can:

  • View a list of all notes
  • Fold open a note to see its content
  • Create notes
  • Edit notes
  • Delete notes
  • Search for notes

When a user clicks on the / (edit) or + (create note button), they will be redirected to another page:

I created this wireframe in a whiteboard drawing app! There are professional tools for wireframing such as Balsamiq. There are more powerful tools available like SketchFigmaInVision, etc. These tools are more suited for "prototyping" than wireframing.