Step 14

Let's implement a kind of collision detection between the ball and the paddle, so it can bounce off it and get back into the play area.

Collision detection is a common task for game development. We will likely need this between other objects in the game. So, let's implement it at a higher level of abstraction. Add the following method to the Block class.

// assume other has {x, y, width, height}
intersects(other) {
  let tw = this.width;
  let th = this.height;
  let rw = other.width;
  let rh = other.height;
  if (rw <= 0 || rh <= 0 || tw <= 0 || th <= 0) {
    return false;
  let tx = this.x;
  let ty = this.y;
  let rx = other.x;
  let ry = other.y;
  rw += rx;
  rh += ry;
  tw += tx;
  th += ty;
  // overflow || intersect
  return (
    (rw < rx || rw > tx) &&
    (rh < ry || rh > ty) &&
    (tw < tx || tw > rx) &&
    (th < ty || th > ry)

The method above detects if two rectangles intersect. This is a common strategy to collision detection (there are other strategies, see e.g. Collision Detection in Javascript or Collision Detection and Physics).

Now add the following method to the Ball class:

colides(paddle) {
  if (this.intersects(paddle)) {
    this.dy *= -1; // switch direction

Finally, add the following statement to the draw function in the main.js file:


Save your code and observer the changes in the browser.