Step 9: Delete Icon

Let’s add a delete action icon to each displayed note. Add a new file, NoteControl.jsx to the components folder with the following content:

import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { Accordion, ActionIcon, Box } from "@mantine/core";
import { IconTrashX } from "@tabler/icons";

function NoteControl(props) {
  const { note } = props;

  const handleOnRemove = () => {
    // TODO remove the note!

  return (
    <Box sx={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }}>
      <ActionIcon onClick={handleOnRemove} size="lg">
        <IconTrashX size={16} />

export default NoteControl;

NoteControl.propTypes = {
  note: PropTypes.shape({
    title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    text: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

Next, update the Note.jsx as follows

+ import NoteControl from "./NoteControl";
  function Note(props) {

    return (
      <Accordion.Item value={note.title}>
-       <Accordion.Control>{note.title}</Accordion.Control>
+       <NoteControl note={note} />

Observer the changes in the UI: